Thursday, February 3, 2011

Notes on current projects

Our role as artists is to create, examine, repurpose, and digest visual elements that surround us.  Many attributes that we scrutinize are perhaps unfamiliar  or distant to one’s own knowledge. In order for myself to create broader connections with things of the unknown I  am  creating an intimate visual language for myself to explore, recreate and divulge my naiveté towards matters which perhaps others already understand.

A Quick outline of some thoughts

* Finding my place with in the landscape

* Using the surreal/  imaginary as an access point/ or using the natural as an access point?

*an entry point into  the natural landscape literally and Figuratively

*Forming these imaginary Senarios that can ELUDE to  an actual

*Using the objects I create as a tool/ to study natural/ as an experiment/ as a control / using the research to formulate qualities that MIMIC nature
evaluating nature by mimicking certain forms.
*To study and create may bring me to a closer UNDERSTANDING
A scientist would do a series of tests/ An artist recreates visual information to heighten understanding/ break down and repurpose images to  define it further.

*what is my understanding?  By having to work IN the landscape I am being exposed to to things I don't know.  Activating the senses, touch, feel, smell

*artifact from the experience.

*Having the experience

*Taking control of nature ( to the un known) and creating nature for myself as the (known) The ability to have control over the landscape or the natural

Fantasy (disambiguation)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up fantasy in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Fantasy is a genre of art, literature, film, television, and music that uses magic and other supernatural forms as a primary element of either plot, theme, or setting.
Other uses
Fantasy (psychology), a situation imagined by an individual or group, which does not correspond with reality but expresses certain desires or aims of its creator
adventure, airing, beat, campaign, caravan, circuit, constitutional, course, crossing, drive, expedition, exploration, hike, itinerary, jaunt, junket, march, migration, odyssey, outing, passage, patrol, peregrination, pilgrimage, progress, promenade, quest, ramble, range, roaming, round, route, run, safari, sally, saunter, sojourn, stroll, survey, tour, tramp, transit, transmigration, travel, traveling, traverse, trek, trip, vagabondage, vagrancy, venture, visit, voyage, wandering, wayfaring

Atlantis, Utopia, air castle, apparition, appearance, bubble*, chimera, conceiving, creativity, daydream, delusion, envisioning, externalizing, fabrication, fairyland, fancy, fancying, fantasia, figment, flight, flight of imagination, fool's paradise, hallucination, head trip, illusion, imaginativeness, imagining, invention, mind trip, mirage, nightmare, objectifying, originality, rainbow*, reverie, trip, vagary, vision
fantasy  is imagination unrestricted by reality;

Synonyms: for reality
absoluteness, actuality, authenticity, being, bottom line, brass tacks, certainty, concreteness, corporeality, deed, entity, existence, genuineness, how things are, like it is, materiality, matter, name of the game, nuts and bolts, object, palpability, perceptibility, phenomenon, presence, real world, realism, realness, sensibility, solidity, substance, substantiality, substantive, tangibility, truth, validity, verisimilitude, verity, way of it, what's what

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